Soraja AKA 20 - Fließendes Fett für die Lebensmittelindustrie

Verfügbarkeit: Die geplante Lieferzeit beträgt 14 Tage
ID: 424
Artikelnr. 2000078456677
Strichcode 2000078456677



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Soraja AKA 20 - Temperature resistant bearing grease, good wear and water resistance, corrosion protection

A very soft, adhesive, high performance and high-temperature-resistant soft grease for the food industry. Due to its semi-liquid consistency, it can be used for gear lubrication with provided grease or splash lubrication and for lubrication of rolling bearings via centralized lubrication systems. It provides good wear protection, excellent water resistance and good corrosion protection in combination with the required purity in Food Industry. It complies with the FDA - purity requirements in Directive 21 CFR 178.3570 for occasional inadvertent contact with foodstuffs, the so-called H1 regulation.



• good anti corrosive properties
• reduces risk of tribo corrosion
• strong tackiness
• extreme frost resistant
• soft and smooth
• relative good compatible with elastomers and seals
• Food grade, conforms to the NSF H1 regulations for use in Food Industry
• very good water resistance



• for gear boxes in food industry
• for anti-friction and sleeve bearings at low or changing temperatures
• for hinges, joints, rails, guidelines
• for anti-friction or sleeve bearings in cooling equipment
• for small gear units in medicinal or pharmaceutical equipment
• for lubrication of small gears at high speed
• for bearings in high temperature sectors, ventilators, ovens, motors
• for bearings of oven conveyors, as in annealing and drying furnaces, bakery ovens, rotary kilns
• for chains in food industry, for packing and filling machines
• for chains in textile industry

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