Divinol Fett L283 – High-Performance Lithium Grease, Durable & Water-Resistant

Availability: Price on request
ID: 835
Product Code: 212461882124
Barcode 212461882124

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Divinol Fett L283 is a widely used lithium-based grease:
— Resistant to high loads
— Water-resistant
— Meets MAN standard 283 Li-P 2
— Classification KP 2 G-30 according to DIN 51825
— Classification ISO-L-XCBIB 2 according to ISO/DIS 6743-9

MAN 283 Li-P 2

Divinol Fett L 283 can be used for lubricating slide and roller bearings, even those with high sliding friction, in motor vehicles, construction, agricultural, and industrial machines of all kinds, across a wide service temperature range. The product is easily pumpable in central lubrication systems with progressive distributors.

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